Total Cults Podcast #30: More Books!

Yes, the delayed Podcast #30 (which was held up by a misplaced memory stick and another project, and saved from yet further delays by the brilliant guitarist Phil Sheldon helping us out) is now here. Gogol and Trick rummage deeper into their respective libraries to bring you thrills! Chills! And probably some dick jokes. Unless this is one of those ones where they unexpectedly go all serious. Who knows? You'll have to listen and find out.
This podcast features (amongst other things):
Sliding your fingers into warm blancmange
The book loophole
Dean Koontz
Richard Laymon
Stephen King
Describing breasts
Enemy Mine
ET fancies Elliott's mum
William Kotzwinkle adaptations
Gizmo's back-story
Salem's Lot
Getting into first 18
Maximum Overdrive
I'm going to rip out your goddamn spine
ET II - Nocturnal Fears
So go click the image right now, and bathe your ears in gorgeous odd podness.
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